Who doesn’t love a shiny and hard wooden surface in their home? We all do, right? However, it won’t take long for your wooden floors to lose their luster if you neglect their maintenance. If you want to renovate your home for an upcoming party or plan to sell it, it’s time to revamp your wooden floors.

Continue reading to find out how you can protect your wooden floors.

Clean Your Floor Regularly

The oldest trick in the book to protect any floor is to keep it clean regularly. We aren’t saying that you should spend hours cleaning every day, but even a quick sweep daily is enough to protect your wooden floors from dust and termites. You can use a mop to remove dust from your floors, and if you want to go the extra mile, use a vacuum cleaner to clean it thoroughly.

Avoid Spilling Water on Them

Wood and water are old foes. It’s no secret that wood absorbs water, which can damage your floor. So you need to be proactive to protect your wood floor. You can clean up small amounts of water with a dry cloth, but for a major leak, you’ll have to use a vacuum pump.

Save The Floor From UV Rays

Yes, sunlight can illuminate your house, but all that glitters isn’t gold. While sunlight offers natural light, it can also damage your wooden floor.  The ultraviolet rays from the sun can change the color of your wood due to a process called photochemical oxidation.

However, you can easily protect your wood floor from UV rays by adding curtains to your windows. If you want the ultimate protection package, add films to your windows that block UV rays.


Apply a Coat of Water-Based Polyurethane

Cleaning your house daily, especially when you come back from a tiring day at the office can be a big hassle. If you want to avoid frequent cleaning but protect your wood floors too, you should opt for water-based polyurethane. Coating your wood floors with polyurethane will not only give it a shiny look, but it will provide the ultimate protection as this coating is heat, water, abrasion, and chemical resistant and offers extensive protection from UV rays.

However, not all water-based polyurethanes can work adequately. This is why you need to buy them from a firm that offers extensive testing and quality assurance. SiwoPUD has been working in this industry since 1995 and has been manufacturing top-quality water-based polyurethanes.

Apart from wood coatings, our waterborne polyurethanes are used for industrial, plastic, and rubber coatings. You can also use it to give a smooth finish to your products made from synthetic leather.

Reach out to us today for more details.